Well-being Archives - Lead for the World™ - Bringing Peace to Life
All posts in "Well-being"

Let the #MeToo Work Begin. For Real, and For Good.

By Maya Mathias / May 2, 2018

The #MeToo trail may seem to be fading from news headlines, but its ripple effects continue to be felt, and talked about. And in April 2018, Sexual Assault Awareness Month no less, where comedian Bill Cosby was finally convicted after decades of sexual assault allegations from dozens of women, a cause-advancing and no less consequential […]


Where Can We Go To Belong? #WorkHuman

By Maya Mathias / May 27, 2017

Something intriguing resurfaced when we entered the 21st Century. Fueled by movements like social entrepreneurship, conscious business, mindfulness at work and positive psychology, we began to re-examine the tug of war between commerce and cause, purpose and profit, bottom line and life line, machine and man. These opposing forces can be difficult to reconcile, but […]