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All posts in "Economics"

Let the #MeToo Work Begin. For Real, and For Good.

By Maya Mathias / May 2, 2018

The #MeToo trail may seem to be fading from news headlines, but its ripple effects continue to be felt, and talked about. And in April 2018, Sexual Assault Awareness Month no less, where comedian Bill Cosby was finally convicted after decades of sexual assault allegations from dozens of women, a cause-advancing and no less consequential […]


Value Our Stories, Embrace Our Truths (#WorkHuman ‘17 Day 3)

By Maya Mathias / June 3, 2017

Vibrant workplaces result from embracing a fundamental truth – that employees can feel called and encouraged to do their best work. As WorkHuman 2017 drew to a close on Jun 1, its 3rd and final day, a celebratory feeling shone through each event attendee’s eyes, and on each Globoforce team member’s face.  Globoforce is the brainchild […]


Breaking The Mold Together (#WorkHuman ‘17 Day 2)

By Maya Mathias / June 1, 2017

​The human spirit cannot be contained. At our best, we acknowledge and allow it to shine brightly, to march to the beat of its unique drum.WorkHuman 2017, a Human Resources (HR) conference that honors, appreciates and recognizes what it means to bring your whole self to work, continued its unique drumbeat today. (You can read my […]


Come Tell Me a Tale (#WorkHuman ‘17 Day 1)

By Maya Mathias / May 31, 2017

​“We all carry a story,and the stories we carry…they burnWhen you seek to become your whole selfand speak your storyWatch how the worldmight quiet itself around youmight lay down its spearsput down its boisterous booksand listen to what you have to say.”- Slam Poet Anis Mojgani – Opening performance at WorkHuman 2017Not many business conferences […]


Where Can We Go To Belong? #WorkHuman

By Maya Mathias / May 27, 2017

Something intriguing resurfaced when we entered the 21st Century. Fueled by movements like social entrepreneurship, conscious business, mindfulness at work and positive psychology, we began to re-examine the tug of war between commerce and cause, purpose and profit, bottom line and life line, machine and man. These opposing forces can be difficult to reconcile, but […]


WorkHuman Spreads ‘Humanity at Work’ Message to a Growing Global Following

By Maya Mathias / May 27, 2016

Now in its second year, WorkHuman is the brainchild of Globoforce, a leader in employee recognition and engagement. Unlike some corporate social responsibility or marketing programs that come across as a superficial afterthought, WorkHuman is central to Globoforce’s mission and purpose. As its tagline suggests, the WorkHuman conference exists to “unlock the future of the human workplace”, […]


The Growing Chorus for Humanity at Work

By Maya Mathias / May 20, 2016

Thoughts about the future of work are rampant. Executives, employees, politicians and citizens are taking stands across the ideological spectrum, from embracing the change that technology and globalization enable, to wishing that the marketplace could be more protectionist and therefore less volatile. These conversations are reverberating at the highest policy-making levels. Whether it’s the World […]